Fender Japan Wood Champ
Only a few tube guitar amps have been produced in Japan, and this little 5-watt Japanese Fender is among them. It resembles the Tweed model from original US Fender, but is even smaller with a 5" speaker that even works better with its 12 AX7 and EL 84 than more popular 12" in my opinion. I sold the Ampegs before taking off from Japan, but kept this little guy only because it is small enough to fit in my parent's loft with all the other things I left.

It works second to none with full acoustic guitars in a guitar trio sort of setting causing NO feedbacks as is always the case when you use Twin or any other amp with 12" speaker that I never use without setting "Bass" tweak at 7 o'clock i.e. zero.
Everytime I flip the power, I recall the night I picked this cat out of the store - probably every guitarist can recall that kind of night - I was all sweat and panting just coming back from the nearest ATM where I drained the balance in the last minute having finally decided to take it when the store was about to close, and got out from the store with it, leaving the store clerk locking the shutter behind...
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